FreeMax Fireluke Mesh Tank Review

Health Cabin
5 min readSep 30, 2018


Hi all. I was recently sent the FreeMax Mesh Tank by Health Cabin to try. Not wanting to jump over Crusty’s review in the dedicated tank section I decided to post it here instead. :)2

Now I’m no great reviewer, in many ways and ant walking amongst giants so to speak, but here goes anyways.

I was hoping to actually get the blue resin version but when it arrived I was greeted by the sight of the Carbon fibre one instead. I am actually glad it turned out to be this one as its a really cool look. Typical of Carbon Fibre it gives an almost 3D appearance when moved or rotated in the light. I’m a sucker for that kind of thing, as a kid I was captivated by anything hologram like or 3D, so it actually brought back some fond memories of staring at things like that when I was so easily amused as a child. I think there is still a bit of that kid in me

I do like the aesthetic appearance of this tank, as my misses said “it looks groovy”. She’s such a dag!

Ok, first up I’ll go to my gripe with it. Its just 1, that’s all I have so I’ll get it over and done with. It’s the 510. Its actually a screw in one, the centre pin, and screws into what appears to be a nylon type of sleeve. Mine wasn’t actually screwed in when I got it and was sticking out several mil. I screwed it in till it went no more and stopped. It doesn’t screw in solidly either so take note not to over do it if you get one. Also it’s quite a long 510, much longer than those on my Crios, Revvo and Cleito tanks. It still fitted fine on my Wismec RX 2 and Vaptio Pro but sat up not fully screwing down on my Innokin Kroma. I didnt try to force to either. So that being the case its possible there are mods like the Innokin that this will also happen with. You will see what i mean in the following pic’s.

Ok, gripe over, the rest is all uphill.

The mesh coils contain a generous amount of cotton and as a result need a bit longer than other coils to wick when first juiced up. Wet the slots, several times each and let sit for the suggested time of around 15 to 20 minutes. Ramp up slowly the wattage for the first half a tank or so, during this time you’ll think the claims of it being a juice drinker may be wrong! But by the time it starts to kick in it goes from sip to guzzle. But that’s how it’s been made, to deliver big cloud’s and big flavour. To do this it’s gotta come from somewhere, so it drinks. But lets face it, you don’t buy a V8 growler of a car expecting it to sip fuel like a 4 cylinder mums car!

Now, there is a break in time with these coils that is longer than those my other tanks coils take. Not hugely longer but it was noticeable. During that time it’s the typical new cotton taste for a good tank full and a bit of juice. Once over its clouds and flavour, with the flavour building up over the next few tank fills. Its a warm vape and a tasty one too. Some have said better than any other. I don’t agree. Its tasty, great flavour but after comparing it with the same juice in others id say better than some but not stand alone best. Don’t let that statement though dissuade you from it, it’s just to not let anyone expect the ridiculous claims that I’ve read elsewhere, not on POV, make them think that it’s like nothing else on earth. Fact is it has great flavour, creates big clouds, look’s terrific and does it’s job well.

I was happy to see also that it’s stated 3ml capacity is actually 3 ml. I measured this with a syringe. This was however, yep a however, achieved by filling it to the absolute brim. In reality I’d be putting in around 2.6 ml, allowing for no mess and that little bit of play or gap that really should be given. As most know, most tank leak issues are caused by filling to the brim and not allowing that bit of air space.
Anyway, it’s a nice tank, apart from my 510 gripe, and sits nicely on my Wismec and equally on the Vaptio.
And, :)2 it’s got that cool Carbon Fibre’y thingy going on, hours of endless pleasure :thumbup:

Cheers all and cheers to Maggie @Health Cabin :thumbsup:

FreeMax Fireluke Mesh Tank Atomizer Price: $32.49 ( Original Price: $37.99 | Save: $5.5)…h-tank-atomizer-3ml-carbon-fiber-p/17540.html

About The Writer

Hi, my name is Tazz and I’m from Australia. Im a member of the Planet Of The Vapes Forum UK, a great community of Vapers, and have been Vaping for a couple of years now. I used to smoke cigarette’s but stopped and started for years, unable to properly give them up. When I tried Vaping though I was able to give them away completely. I fully support the Vaping industry and applaud it for it’s advancements and involvement in the creation of smoking cessation devices



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