New arrivals: Advken Manta RTA, Hellvape Rebirth RDA

Health Cabin
1 min readDec 18, 2018


Advken Manta RTA Atomizer 4.5ml Resin Version

Advken Manta RTA Resin Version is 24mm Diameter which features the top re-filling and Tri-air-holes Adjustment System that brings the smooth flavor. With the Gold plated Dual-Curved Posts and Midsection Section Deck, it is the innovative RTA for vaping.
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Hellvape Rebirth RDA Atomizer

Hellvape Rebirth RDA Atomizer, is a combination of great work between Youtube reviewer Mike vapes and Hellvape. It is an intelligent product by Mike’s, and made by Hellvape. Rebirth RDA Atomizer is 2 post build deck with gold plated positive post, and 6mm deep juice well with raised bottom airflow to prevent leaking with 24mm diameter.

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